Why So Agreeable?

I looked it up in the thesaurus*.  Agreeable is a synonym for all kinds of my favorite words. Dandy, swell, peachy, pleasant. Delightful being quite possibly number one. So why didn't I name my blog "The Delightful Life"? Well, because for life to be agreeable it isn't always delightful. For instance, I find having a clean kitchen delightful. However I have to clean it, which isn't always delightful. I figure agreeable falls somewhere on the middle ground between working my heiny off and a delightfully clean kitchen. Please note: the kitchen is just an example. This principle applies to all of life. Or else I would have called my blog The Agreeable Kitchen.

*the thesaurus used to be, and may still be, my favorite book of reference, cause I'm nerdy like that.