Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today I have been stressed to the max. I have one kid with a tummy bug(=monster bum rash/diaper changes at least every hour. probably more), one kid who appears to be cutting teeth (I can think of no other explanation for her atrocious 'tude). I have apartment hunting looming over me and a potentially great fit that may be just outside of our price range. Decisions to make, gifts to prepare, a home to clean and several people who I am waiting to hear from! Pet peeve: being unable to make plans due to a big fat lack of communication. Other pet peeve: that as much as that peeves me I will never call people on it because I'd rather not be mad at them. Instead I sit and fume to myself for a while and wish they could read my mind or their facebook/text message/whatever. Then I tell myself to grow up already and get over it. I know, real mature, right?

Well at any rate. right in the middle of a good fume we had this glorious thunderstorm. This thing had been brewing all day and when I didn't think those clouds could get any darker the heavens opened and out poured hail, and lightning, and thunder like you've never heard before. It was glorious. A force of nature so driving that regardless of the stress and pet peeves and fuming that was weighing on me it couldn't compare to the weight of the storm. I couldn't tend my own irritations when such a thing was ringing in my ears. What was to be done but leave my cares inside (where cares seem to weigh heaviest) and step out. To sit in the relative safety of the eaves, tucked into a corner of the porch where nothing could find me. Nothing could touch me, but the thunder that rattled my bones. For a few precious minutes all that there was, was me and the storm.

What happened next is not worth noting. but after resuming a short fume I have reached the same conclusion I always reach. That fuming is useless. All that I can do is move forward and so I move. However futile my efforts may be, they are always better than fuming. Even the storm moves as it rages.

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